© 2023 TreeCAD
CAD Independent Asset Management
ArTrA is a unique platform independent interface that links 3D CAD models, design data, and documentation.The ability to extract graphics and associated design data from leading 3D CAD packages makes ArtrA the most flexible program in its field. With ArtrA you can interrogate and link documents to your models without the need for CAD software.
CAD Window Into Your Database
3D models created during the design phase become portals to the maintenance and operations documentation. During the design and construction phase ArtrA can be used as a design review tool giving each designer access to the critical data they need.
View Design and Maintenance Documents at Your Desktop
Using the ArtrA Librarian you can easily create an individual database containing only the essential information to be linked to the design model. You select only the data that your group needs. Plant design, engineering, and construction documentation can now be found either by selecting an item in the model or by using the search facility provided.
Easy Facilities Management
ArtrA incorporates powerful search and reporting capabilities so that any item in your plant can be easily located and interrogated showing required data such as service history, data sheets, spare parts list, etc. Walk around the plant on your desktop and interrogate all important data.
Track all Maintenance and View Problem Areas
The “Book Mark” option enables you to pinpoint problem areas and keep track of all
maintenance work. Drawings, maintenance, service instructions, and other important
documents can be stored with the item highlighted with a bookmark. ArtrA also offers
powerful searching features, allowing you to set-
● Make use of the 3D Design model for life cycle management of the plant by giving each designer or engineer the ability to manage the model from their desktop.
● View and interrogate the CAD model and have the ability to access design data without having CAD software on your workstation.
● Quickly search the model for any item and view all relevant documents in your database by using the CAD model as your window to that database.
● Perform searches on any item or group of items and produce valuable reports for design review, purchasing, maintenance, safety, etc
● Bookmark for maintenance or design review any item in the facility and print reports of any of these items. These reports can then be used to schedule maintenance,check construction, purchase products, etc. to save time and money.
● Bring together design disciplines using different CAD software to manage design and construction of large projects. ArtrA’s is CAD independent that saves intelligence from each CAD program in the ArtrA model.